Wellness blog

Jennifer Rock: Skincare Made Easy & For You

Jennifer Rock: Skincare Made Easy & For You

Why did you choose your career? I chose my career because I suffered with my own skin and it’s led me to have an absolute obsession/ passion and huge interest and intrigue into all things skincare. The connection between skincare & science, not just on a clinical level, but with emotion and how it can impact how you literally feel within your own skin and how that can affect your confidence. I do feel everyone deserves to feel ROCKSTAR ready within their own skin. But ultimately it was from experiencing it and then having that empathy myself. What is the...

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Beauty sleep.To Sleep, perchance to dream….

Beauty sleep.To Sleep, perchance to dream….

Sleep and Your Skin…. It’s no secret that lack of sleep can play havoc with your skin. A couple of late nights show, not just in dark undereye circles, but also your skin tone and clarity suffer too. Usually after a late night after one too many 🍸, ahem, we also tend to make poorer food choices as well. The crisps and chocolates we crave aren’t exactly pillars of healthcare, are they?   The Science of Sleep… What happens? Why Is Sleep So Important? When we sleep our body gets a chance to reboot itself. Our brain carries out a...

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Need a Sex & Relationship Expert? Meet Dr. Caroline West"

Need a Sex & Relationship Expert? Meet Dr. Caroline West"

The Doctor Will See You Now …and this one REALLY will! With a PhD in sex studies, Dr Caroline West gives academic lectures, hosts a podcast, writes for various newspaper columns and is an in-demand media commentator on all aspects of sex,  AND one of our fabulous guest speakers at Viva La Vulva. Challenging the status quo and unveiling the shame from seeking pleasure from sex (I know- in Ireland!), Caroline informs with joy and ease.   Caroline, why did you choose your career? I have a slightly unusual career and multiple jobs which is really odd. I work as...

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Mindful eating

Mindful eating

You Are What You Eat… So I’m a bar of chocolate? Eat yer veggies🥕 What we eat and how we eat says a lot about us. The impact of convenience foods started post WWII in the States (hello TV dinners) and made its way across the Atlantic to us a few years later. Convenience food implied we were too busy to cook. (And then we became too busy to eat…) The advertising for these foods asked, “Who wants to be chained to the stove?” Now while I don’t want to be chained to the stove either, there’s far more interesting...

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