Nollaig na mBan: The one day of the year when Irish women take a break.. to plan how to take down the Christmas decorations
💜 When Mariah sang, “All I want for Christmas is youuuuuu”, we all tapped our toes and sung along. It reminded us of love, Love Actually, glistening with all the joy and tinsel. 🛌 But right now, across the country, there are millions of Irish women asking for something else this Christmas: REST! Luckily in Ireland we have Nollaig na Mban, January 6th, a traditional day of rest to end the Christmas season culminating in the Epiphany. Traditionally it was a day off for women, to put their feet up, have a cuppa with some cake, and generally back away...
New Year, New You?
Who’s fed up of opening up IG and seeing everyone hopping on the New Year, New You bandwagon? I don’t want a New Me, I want the old me, only less tired…. 😴 and better moisturised! All these external pressures to conform to some marketing ideals of seasonal ways to sell the next diet or lifestyle hack usually touted on a Bro- Podcast are so unrelatable. This time of the year, at least in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s cold and dark. Put into the mix the post-Christmas daze of late nights, round the clock catering to family who drop in...
There’s No Such Thing As A Perfect Christmas
There’s no such thing as a perfect Christmas. The perfect Christmas only exists on the screen. The pressure for perfect is all around- and starts earlier and earlier. It’s like a race, isn’t it? The pressure to make all your own paper (eco-friendly, of course) , to have the gifts wrapped monogrammed by mid-August and the turkey to be picture perfect is NOT what Christmas is all about. Besides, turkey is a dry old bird. A nice juicy chicken is much less hassle and, in my opinion, far tastier! I’m not running that race anymore. It’s exhausting and no one...
Looking After Women This Christmas
Today I released my podcast with Sarah Benson, CEO of Women's Aid Ireland. What she shared with me is confronting- we all know someone who has been touched by domestic abuse, even if we are not actually aware of it. The sad reality is that at Christmas time this abuse increases. And it doesn’t just affect women. Society as a whole suffers. It pulls at the threads that hold us all together in the caring love all human beings deserve. Children are often caught in the cross hairs, under the care of their mother who struggles and puts on a brave face....

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