Remember When You Were Able To Sleep The WHOLE Night...?
Those were the days when you’d tumble into bed and sleep… sometimes till noon! Those days are long gone now. Sometimes it’s a miracle if I get into bed before midnight only to peel my eyes open when the alarm goes off, what FEELS like, five minutes later! The truth of the matter is: we aren’t getting enough sleep.
Why You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep
We are all living busier lives, even compared to our parent’s generation. Sleep is serious business too. Some celebs and influencers are showing up with those Oura rings that monitor your sleep and daytime activity to sync with your computer. Or our watches and phones now track our REM sleep and can even signal sleep apnea (although it might actually be your partner’s snoring…)
But are those wearables good for you? Do we really need ANOTHER app beeping at us? Apparently people who swore by their sleep devices are now swearing AT them! 🗯️ The pressure to perform for the device is becoming another obstacle to slumber…
Do Smartphones Make Us More Tired?
Em…. yes….
I know we all need our phones these days. Our businesses and communications have all become dependent on them. And they’re hard to put down. Checking emails and scrolling before bed is a surefire recipe for a busy brain and restless night.
I am trying to implement restrictions of my own so I can have an hour of screenless time before bed and an hour in the morning…. It’s NOT easy. But I know I’ll feel better when I do. Even my eyes appreciate the rest!
You Can’t Put A Car in Park Without Downshifting Your Gears
It’s true- I’ve tried it. The car didn’t like it…😆
Human bodies are the same. We can’t go 120 km/hr all day and then throw ourselves into bed expecting to be able to sleep. We need to help our body and mind slow down from the day. I also know many of you have found my R&R RELAX blend of chamomile, ashwagandha and magnesium plays a supporting role in your nighttime routine. I find it useful and I hope you do too.
Here’s A Simple Restful Recipe To Get Your Z’s🛏️
Rather than put any more things onto your already overloaded lives, how about we commit to a week trying to practice a simple unwinding routine before bed?
- 🧠 Brain Dump- on a piece of paper beside your bed- write down all your worries - writing it down, slows it down and makes space in our mind for calm
- 💜 A lavender bath can help ease tense muscles and a cup of chamomile tea works wonders
- 🧘 Meditation Before Bed - there are loads of options online to listen to while in bed. Breathing slowly and deeply while helps down-regulate your nervous system, bringing you out of the FIGHT OR FLIGHT stage which we all seem to be in these days.
Sweet dreams everyone!
Laura x