Stressed Much?
Why Meditation Actually Works
Be Still, My Busy Brain 🧠
I know, I know… the whole thought of sitting cross legged while burning incense isn’t your cup of tea. Probably not even Barry’s either… And besides, who can sit still anymore? Without thoughts? That would drive me crazy and give me leg cramps.
And yet time and time again I meet people who claim mediation has saved their sanity. Top athletes use it before games to focus on their performance so that when they’re surrounded by crowds chanting for or against them, it’s only their mind that matters.
Now, I’m not a top athlete. I’m just a busy mum of three trying to get dinner on the table before they eat all the bread and then claim they’re not hungry when I finally get their plates ready…. ARGH! Bet the Dalai Lama would crack! (Just kidding- peace and love ✌️)
Yoga as Moving Meditation
I have been practising yoga for years and I’ve learned how important it is when I’ve NOT practised. Without it, I’m more irritable, as if my body’s lack of flexibility means my mind is just as fractious.
When I do yoga I can’t have my phone on. I can’t be folding the laundry. I can’t be driving the car. In other words, and I know this sounds simplistic, bear 🐻with me, when I am doing my yoga I can only do my yoga.
When we were planning our Focus on Ü challenge this month I wanted to combine all the pillars of health that have helped me and KNOW will help you as well. I loved how you found the early morning movement freeing- getting to move our bodies gently before the rush-rush of the day starts. Focusing on one thing at a time is something our modern world really pushes against. We are rewarded for being busy. Sports filled weekends and evenings have become a competitive sport (forget the kids on the pitch!) Look at my calendar! I’m so BUSY (read: important)
MultiTasking Is Making Us MAD
As in angry and crazy at the same time mad… I used to think I was able to do all the things. And while it’s true I can get a lot done, I find the busier I am, the more singular I need to be with my attention.
This is where meditation comes in. When I clear my mind for 5 or 10 minutes a day, usually in the morning before anyone else gets up, my mind feels better. And with good reason. Many studies link mindfulness training, or meditation, to increased cognitive function and less reactivity…
It has been suggested that the practice of meditation is associated to neuroplasticity phenomena, reducing age-related brain degeneration and improving cognitive functions. Neuroimaging studies have shown that the brain connectivity changes in meditators. Mindfulness Meditation Is Related to Long-Lasting Changes in Hippocampal Functional Topology during Resting State: A Magnetoencephalography Study - PMC
Driven to Distraction
It’s a GREAT expression, but feels awful when we’re in it. Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve driven home and you don’t recall much about the journey and all of a sudden you’re in the driveway?
Yep. That’s auto pilot. We aren’t taking much in, just simply going through the motions. And that can be a good thing. We aren’t distracted, we are in the zone.
However when we are at work or on a deadline and we pick up our phone to look at IG quickly or someone passes by to offer a cuppa from the caff or Suzy’s birthday cards need to be signed…. The distractions derail us.
Literally, distraction takes us out of traction. We no longer operate in optimal gear. For every distraction it takes up to 20 minutes to regain focus again. ⏰ The more interruptions, the longer it takes to do our tasks.
Meditate HARDER!
Have you ever had one of those days, weeks, where you just explode at everything? You feel as if you’re on edge? Nerves frayed and reactivity on high can be a symptom of burnout. On my podcast I spoke with the amazing psychotherapist Siobhan Murray about burnout- might be worth a listen to find more strategies to help.
How To Meditate….
- Commit to a daily time that works for you- morning or evening. Whenever you find yourself free from interruption (hey- I’ve been known to do it in the car!)
Let me know how you get on! What set up works best for you- maybe you have a lovely cosy corner set up… or have you been on any meditation retreats?
Mind yourselves! 💜
Laura x