Have You Got All Your Bits?
Are you at that stage of the week before Christmas where you just answer the dreadful question: “Are you all set for Christmas?” with “Ah sure… I’ve a few bits to get…”
Oh my God. Stop. Stop it now! Put down that metal back scratcher! And as for the mini pancake frying pan with Santa’s face on it….just don’t!
Less Really Is More
Turkey fills you with dread? Do two chickens instead?
Or how about a beef bourguignon or a delish chickpea stew with tons of veggies, blipping away? You could do it the day before and then just reheat with whatever sides you fancy.
If people care more about your food or tablescaping- THEY’RE NOT YOUR PEOPLE! You are not a professional Chef! And even if you are, you deserve a day off too!
The List that Keeps on Giving
Surely I can’t be the only one who notices that once I cross off anything on my To-Do List, another to-do arrives? The thing about bits is there always more, right?
Oh… I’ll just get a few more of those fancy olives… and maybe some new soaps for the guest bathroom… And crème fraiche… I may need some of that as well… just a few bits…
It’s like that scene with Lucille Ball trying to keep up with the packing conveyor belt! Lucy and the Chocolate Factory high res - YouTube
Even if you do have an idyllic family (we need proof here at Château Fabulous- send us your idyllic pics! 😂) and have no real friction at Christmas, it’s hard to avoid the crammed schedule of events or ‘getting things sorted’ before the New Year. Despite all the presents being wrapped, the month-ends done and parties organised, there can be a frantic (mis)perception of the need to be perfect this time of year.
Here’s the thing…. 👇
Perfection Doesn’t Come Close to Magic…
What do I mean by that?
Well, if things were perfect, you’d miss the magic.
Magic, after all, surprises us….
It’s something that elevates us out of the expected. A glimmer of something beyond our control (and our lists) which remind us of being kids again.
Speaking of Kids and Christmas… A Real Christmas Miracle
One Christmas Santa brought a coveted gift to one of my kids- a Pop Up Carebear- I may be wrong with the name. Anyways, the bear had a magical light up tummy that radiated different colours. (I think kids nowadays would find this lame.. But this was pre-Oculus and ChatGPT).
My kid was elated when the present was opened! SANTA!!! HE KNEW!
Unfortunately, Santa had wrapped a defective bear. Despite trying THREE fresh sets of batteries… no dice. The bear’s tummy was without light.
I was heartbroken. I thought I’d f’d it up. I had gone to all sorts of lengths to get this present and CHRISTMAS was RUINED!!
Despite my despair, my kid was delighted with the new bear- unaware of its malfunction because it was still fluffy and gorgeous! My kid didn’t notice the imperfection because a fluffy bear was perfection to him!
And then… during dinner, while crackers were pulled and wine poured, something magical happened.
“Mum! Mum!...Look!!!!”
My kid raced over to me and thrust the bear on my lap, its glowing tummy displaying beautiful colours. I think I even heard wee bells… (in fairness I was into the Bailey’s)
What I had thought was not perfect enough, was perfectly good enough for my kid, who, let’s face it, was happy to be home with his mummy and family. You don’t need to look far to notice what really matters this Christmas with the state of the world now.
Naughty or Nice… Make A List For YOU!
Well ahead of the Viva La Vulva Tour we all know that naughty AND nice are a good combo… 😜
- How about we think differently this year? What about thinking only of what is nice FOR YOU?
- See my “To-Do” list here..
- What would you like Christmas to look like? Find that voice of your own. You might be surprised how well it goes!
- What or who have you been tolerating? Is there a meal that no one eats except Great Aunty Betty? Or are you cooking several different meals to accommodate various dietary issues? Tell them to BRING THEIR OWN TUPPERWARE Din-Dins!
Perfect Isn’t Magic
Look for the ‘bits’ that don’t work. As the wise Canadian Leonard Cohen wrote
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in
Mistakes, cracks, all can be patched up. What really matters is looking after yourself with love….Sometimes imperfections turn out for the best after all!
Remember, Viagra was supposed to be a blood pressure pill… until it showed magic rewards for bits that don’t work too! #MagicMike