I know when I show my cooking videos, a lot of you are shocked to see the industrial size amounts of food! Listen- I have large boy/men to feed who are very active, so you can adjust accordingly.
Or store the leftovers for the week. In fact, you could use this as a batch recipe, come to think of it…🤔
In terms of ingredients, I have just made a platter of all kinds of delish, easy to peel (eggs) and mash (avocado 🥑 added with tomatoes) which also offers good protein, fats and fibre. I added oily fish 🐟, tuna and smoked salmon, for the Omega-3’s and for the added protein as well. We know women in perimenopause and beyond need all the protein we can get to help build bone strength! The grilled asparagus feeds our GUTS with indigestible fibre, inulin, which is a prebiotic on which our gut bacteria love to feed….Great, now I’m feeding bacteria… it never ends 😭
Sometimes I’m just too tired to cook. This week I was so tired it all kinda came out of my eyeballs…So this is MY kind of cooking (very little of it…) mostly an assembly job of picky bits to have at the table to enable easy chats. 💜
**Add wine and girlfriends as needed!
** Also I ate the brown rice and had a half slice of the toast… because you know- balance!
First things first- the rice and spuds:
Get a pot of salted water on to the boil (always use a kettle to boil the water- it’s quicker!) Add your spuds of choice. Just cover. When water is at a boil, lower heat to simmer, cover with lid. Spuds are done when a knife can pierce them easily. Drain and leave in pot to steam. Add a little olive oil if you wish.
Brown Rice- I use 1 cup rice to 2 cups water from the kettle. Season with salt. Bring rice to boil, lower heat to simmer and cook covered for about 15 minutes.
*Rice and potatoes can be done first while you get on with the other bits.
- 6-8 eggs🥚, hard (but not bullets!)boiled. Put eggs into pot of cold water- just cover the eggs- it doesn’t need to be as deep as an ocean. Bring to boil- then turn off heat and cover for 8-10 mins. Use a timer or else you’ll forget. Take out of hot water and put in bowl of cold water. They’ll be easier to peel when cooled.
- 6 ripe avocados 🥑 plus 1 lemon
- Handful of coriander (or any other herb- you could use parsley or even scallions)
- 1 punnet of cherry tomatoes - cut in half
- 1 large tin of tuna in water - or 2 small ones, drained
- Bunch of asparagus - remove woody stems- you’ll find the natural break point when you bend then and the wood will snap off easily 👍
- I also had a ball of mozzarella in the fridge, so I sliced that up as well
- Spicy stir up to jazz up rice: minced garlic, soy sauce, chilli peppers and grated ginger
While the rice, potatoes and eggs are cooking away, you can get on with all the other ingredients.
- Set oven to grill- put prepared asparagus in oven proof dish- I slice mine in half so they grill even quicker- drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper- Grill for 5 mins- put on table
- In a big glass bowl- Add peeled and quartered eggs, chopped tomatoes🍅 and chopped coriander. Add the avocados- Mix n’mash with salt and pepper and juice of half lemon… Syphon out into two large bowls for table
- On a lovely plate arrange your smoked salmon and drained tuna
- Put drained, warm spuds into big bowl and onto table
- Slice up the mozzarella onto plate
- Fry up the spices for the rice stir up- on a medium heat put olive oil in pan and gently fry ginger, chilli, soy sauce and garlic- just to heat it through. Stir through the rice with a fork
- Slice bread- I used sourdough because it’s fermented and therefore GUT friendly- Toast and put on a plate for the table
- DINNER IS READY! Woo hoo- no air fryer needed either!
Let me know how you get on. If you would add other ingredients? Chickpeas? Tofu?
Laura x