Who’s fed up of opening up IG and seeing everyone hopping on the New Year, New You bandwagon? I don’t want a New Me, I want the old me, only less tired…. 😴 and better moisturised!
All these external pressures to conform to some marketing ideals of seasonal ways to sell the next diet or lifestyle hack usually touted on a Bro- Podcast are so unrelatable. This time of the year, at least in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s cold and dark. Put into the mix the post-Christmas daze of late nights, round the clock catering to family who drop in just as you’re dropping off on the sofa, the last thing you need is to feel pressured to do a complete personal overhaul the moment the last bit of Bailey’s has been drained.
Besides the ‘old you’ was pretty fantastic! What you do need is a rest to recharge your batteries, to embrace the cosy nights of winter, to follow the natural world that tells us to rest up so we can begin again in the Spring.
A change is as good as a rest….
Right now we are all feeling a little drained. The days are shorter. It’s dark. Those in charge are still royally f-ing it up…. And yet- none of that is in our control. What IS in our control is how we choose to face the day- will we eat well, relate well, move well? Those three steps are surprisingly effective for our wellbeing.
Another question is- how well are you resting?
Hands up if you rolled your eyes and thought- “Rest? What’s that?”
What Does Rest Look Like?
We can’t all be having naps in the middle of the day… or can we?
- Rest means stopping to take it all in. Notice the little things. Slowing down to do so…
- Rest means doing nothing at all. There’s a reason why Mother Nature tucks herself in for the winter. She’s resting to be able to Spring back into life and we should too. It’s hard though as modern life no longer follows the seasons- it’s all go, all the time.
- Rest means a break from responsibility and stillness to decompress. Life can get a bit hectic with kids hollering your name every five minutes. Or perhaps it’s your partner or you're caring for someone? Sometimes giving yourself a day off from responsibility can help recharge your batteries. It’s ok to be just YOU for a day.
- Rest means getting away from it all…Take a weekend away with friends. It doesn’t have to be fancy. Sometimes getting back to being silly reminds you of what really matters in life!
- Rest means taking a cat nap or going to bed earlier. Just two capsules of my fabÜ R&R RELAX helps your mind unwind so you can get some good work between the covers at night! Or one capsule twice daily can be excellent for that daytime overwhelm.
Instead of setting unrealistic resolutions to CHANGE EVERYTHING about yourself, what is it about yourself you’d like to KEEP and IMPROVE? Maybe the New Year is not the New You- maybe the New Year is YOU in glorious technicolour, rested, recharged and ready!
Wishing you all the health and success,
Laura x