It’s the second birthday of my (fave) baby fabuwellness !
The brand I brought to life two years ago has reached incredible heights, connected me with people and the brands they’ve created as well, and grown my FABULOUS community of women- YOU!
I’m not going to lie… it’s been…. HECTIC. I’ve been to London to promote the fabuwellness launch there, a trade show in Amsterdam, Wellfest, and of course the Viva La Vulva shows in Dublin, Cork, Galway and Kerry.
You know that analogy of a swan looking all calm on the surface whose feet are frantically paddling under the water?
That’s me.
Only with crazier hair because I am frantic above the water too!
And then I almost lost my fabuwellness Instagram page when, after a much needed, sneaky mid afternoon nap, I got wrangled into a scammer’s trap, locking me out of my business page.
I was furious. And ashamed too. Ashamed I had made a stupid mistake.
But then I heard from so many of you, to keep going, head up, striding forward. We all make mistakes along the way, but it’s not how we fall, it’s how we get up afterwards that counts.
Because that’s what we do, right ladies? We keep going. (And my R&R RELAX sure helps with the overload)
Thankfully the fabuwellness page was restored and I was so relieved to see it back. I’m proud of the work I’ve put in. It hasn’t been easy, but it’s been worth every single second.
So HAPPY SECOND BIRTHDAY fabuwellness! I am so glad a I took the leap… right onto a rollercoaster …. But I know the products are doing their job, while their mammy 😜 does her best to do hers.
Laura x