We’ve all had those moments when you open up your phone and the reflection you see isn’t a person you recognise.
Who is THAT? (Cue- HEY! It’s me! I’m the problem, it’s me!)
Well this is the face I give when I open up IG and see everyone hopping on the New Year, New You bandwagon. What a load of BS!
I don’t want a New Me, I want the old me, only less tired…. 😴 and better moisturised!
It’s all too much, isn’t it? All these external pressures to conform to some marketing ideals of seasonal ways to sell the next diet or lifestyle hack usually touted on a Bro- Podcast.
This time of the year, at least in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s cold and dark.
Put into the mix the post-Christmas daze of late nights, round the clock catering to family who drop in just as you’re dropping off on the sofa, the last thing you need is to feel pressured to do a complete personal overhaul the moment the last bit of Bailey’s has been drained. Plus- do any of these Bro-Guys have kids? I usually wake up to a sink of dishes (not mine…) not an Infrared sauna!
(BTW- doing things by yourself makes you feel lonely, that’s why we are working on something special at FabüWellness for February. Stay tuned ….)
Speaking of Sinks and Drains…
Rest is what we need right now. We are all feeling a little drained. It’s been a long few years and I dunno about you, but those in charge seem to be f-ing things up globally every few weeks or so.
Rather than get overwhelmed with things we can’t control, we want to be solutions oriented here.
Not that we claim to have the answers to world peace - but we can help you cultivate more peace within yourself, and maybe that’s a step in the right direction.
Why Rest NOT Cleanses Are The Way Forward
So what kind of rest might you need to reboot and return to your original factory settings? What might you need to hear or listen to- and it’s not someone else’s idea of fitness- you need something that works for you! You need to listen to your own voice!
Peace and Quiet
Of all the ‘perfect morning routines’ perhaps the best bit of advice would be to find some peace and quiet for yourself for a few minutes in the morning. It needn’t be fancy, but YOU DESERVE a little space for your mind with a journal.
A journal? Yes. I know, it seems woo-woo- but numerous studies show that writing down your thoughts slows the mind, gives perspective and order to that ongoing conversation inside your noggin. 5 Benefits of Journaling for Mental Health
Write down whatever comes to mind. Repeat. This is all about learning to hear your own voice again. Not a new one, your own one. That can take some practice as so many of us have been conditioned to anticipate the needs of others and hear other voices above our own. I mean, just go to any pitch and shout ‘Mom’ and watch how many heads whip around!
Who Are You? (Ooh Oh…)
The reason why so many New Year New You plans fail is because you fail to be truly you. You are trying to fit yourself into other people’s plans. And when you’re not aligned with your own wants, past habits creep back in again.
BUT WHERE DO I START, LAURA? I can barely hear myself think above the din of kids/the hoover/ the demands of work….
Rest. That’s where you’ll start. Find out what kind of rest serves you best.
The Seven Types of Rest
According to Dr Saundra Dalton Smith there are seven different kinds of rest we need. Identify where you feel most depleted and then you can build in the type of rest you most need to feel recharged and fully you again!
Physical - Maybe you need to go to bed early a couple of days a week. Say no to the extra Netflix episode! Maybe take fabÜ R&R RELAX - fabuwellness before bedtime… read our reviews! Naps are awesome too.
- Sensory - Remember the daze and days of Zoom meetings? Sure they were great when we needed them and can be a great way to meet up without losing half the day in traffic. But mostly we were all Zombies after looking at squares on our screens. We are constantly bombarded with beeping machines and cars and self checkout shops…. In the age of machines, we truly need to switch off in order to switch ourselves back on! Silence all the bells and whistles and reconnect with people.
- Mental Rest - Mindless scrolling- anyone..? If I raise my hand any higher I would dislocate my shoulder. Scrolling and binging on Netflix may feel like you’re giving yourself a rest but in fact your mind and eyes are rolling around looking at nothing, taking in very little true sustenance. And usually we distract ourselves to avoid unpleasant things or feelings… Put the screens down and look out the window and daydream instead.
- Emotional Rest - Who or what is draining you? This is a big one. Sometimes we can be in relationships that really don’t work for us. Or where we’re the only one doing all the work. Are you over-coping for someone? Or is it boring…? Are you always the one with party tricks? (And can you share them with us here @fabuwellness?) Perhaps you need a break. A real break. See how you feel. At first you might feel awkward. It’s different. You’re usually at the beck and call of others who need you to fix them. See how you feel after the week. Probably a lot more energetic. They might even learn to cope after all…
- Creative Rest -This links into the emotional rest- you can feel the blahs of life… just the sheer beige mundaneness. Maybe a trip to a show VIVA LA VULVA LIVE - fabuwellness, a musical act or the local art show could help bust you out of the blues? Literally inject some colour by looking at nature without your phone. Is there a tree or park or pond with birds nearby?
- Spiritual Rest - While many have left the Church, there’s no doubt a spiritual need in all of us. As the saying goes, there are no atheists in foxholes. It does seem that we all need to be connected to something bigger than ourselves, to realise how insignificant we are, yet connected to everyone on this small blue planet. For some this rest might be found at mass or in prayer, for others you might find meditation useful. In all instances, becoming aware of letting go of our need to control can be just what the doctor ordered.
Let us know what kind of rest you might need most.
Here’s to the New Year Old You- only RESTED and REFRESHED! (R&R 😜)
Remember, Viagra was supposed to be a blood pressure pill… until it showed magic rewards for bits that don’t work too! #MagicMike