It’s been an amazing few days.. And busy ones….
Sometimes I don’t know if I’m coming or going. It’s been great craic though, happily going from Viva La Vulva Tours to this weekend’s Future Beauty Show at the RDS was a blast too.
I can’t lie though. Sometimes I am not sure how I manage to get dinner sorted as I seem to be on auto pilot powering through the days. This week I made cheese toasties for dinner after I had a bath and didn’t feel one ounce of guilt for not making a ‘proper’ dinner! And of course, I was also having the chats with you as well…. Multitasking much? 😆
My “Aha” moment (not the band, the realisation) was when I was on a Zoom meeting while also fielding a call from my son’s dentist (Yes, yes, we can fit it in after school today), confirming my Tesco order (I can’t even fathom fighting traffic to go shopping, get the shopping into the bags, back into the car, then back to the house and unloaded all over again… just writing that makes me feel tired 😴).
I also explained prime numbers to my other son who was sitting at the kitchen table with me at the time.
I’m not saying this to be boastful. Not at all.
I think you all get it. I think we are all doing this kind of crazy multitasking. We are all octopuses (octopi…?) in aprons & lab coats & suits aren’t we? Women do so many ‘jobs’ ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
Maybe this is why, “What are you thinking?” is such a scary question for our partners to ask us. Because they know the tsunami of washing, sports, bills and cooking is the answer they’d get.
So how do we rest our octopus arms, ladies? How do they actually sleep? 🤨
I heard from many of you in the Focus on Ü Facebook group in February who really loved getting up earlier for yoga or found the meditations calming before the storm.
And that really is key, I think. The storm, the busy-ness of life is always going to be there. But I think it’s good to have at least one of your tentacles on something that’s good for YOU, that helps you recharge so that you’re not worn out. That’s why I do my yoga or take the dog for a walk.
So this week, ahead of International Women’s Day, take a moment to appreciate all the things you bend over backwards to get done for others and make an appointment for yourself too.
Happy International Women’s Day- Everyone of You is Fabulous- Let’s go ladies!
Laura x