I want to fit into my clothes and wipe my own bum…
Sure- I’m as vain as the next person. I like my sparkly dresses and I try to keep the jiggles at bay by watching what I eat and drink. But exercise for me isn’t just about looking a certain way.
It’s about living a fully engaged life today and many years down the road. I want to be able to travel, tie my own shoes and bend over to pick up my socks with ease. One of the key indicators for long term care needs is the ability of the resident to toilet. Yep. I said it. We may be years off considering this, but it’s in all our futures ladies!
Maybe I’m ‘old’ thinking about these things. I just consider this preparing for living a long life full of adventure!
But we’ve got work to do. We aren’t getting off the couch much. And the numbers don’t lie. According to Public Health Ireland, 150 minutes of exercise per week is recommended.
Yet knowledge gaps, time constraints and more work from home/ desk jobs mean that we’re not getting those minutes in. In fact some of us aren’t getting any regular activity at all.
The numbers are not good. According to the Ireland Physical Activity Factsheet 2021 only 33% of adults are getting their exercise in.
Exercise For Long Term Health Gains 🏋️
We know that exercise is a key factor for long term health benefits. As we age, we need to have our exercise banked in order for our bodies to age well. If not, we risk reduced mobility and health through poorer health outcomes in total metabolic health (think diabetes and cardiovascular/heart related diseases) which in turn leads to impaired activity as we age.
That’s the bit that gets me moving.
I value my independence, my ability to get in and out of the car with all the Viva la Vulva tour gear, and being able to keep up with my three boys too. I want to have the energy and flexibility to keep me vital. I mean, I want my Dublin Tour to be a smash hit as well as in Cork, Kerry and Galway!
That’s why I equate exercise with vitality. I want to be running around in my 80’s. Or walking briskly. So the work I put in now, I see as a kind of long term investment in my health. Not just my physical health improves, but also my mental health (I always know a walk with Carlo 🐶makes me feel great). We know too that cardiovascular health improves blood flow bringing oxygen to all our organs, including our brains. Brain health and cardiovascular health are connected and as I age I want my brain to be as healthy as possible too.
Habits… We all have them, right? One of the key pillars of exercise is to make it a habit and we know visual cues help too. Like that cake that’s out on the kitchen counter? I’m probably going to have a slice. Same too for placing your workout clothes on the bedroom floor. I do this so that when the alarm goes off (early…🥴) I just slip into my gear without thinking.
Make a weekly date with friends for a power walk or get involved in a local sports group. Or dancing??? Jesus- who doesn’t love a good disco? 👯We know that social interaction also positively affects our health- so why not do the two together? (Have I mentioned we dance at my Viva La Vulva Tour..?)
Youtube has loads of workouts with a follow-along plan- Caroline Girvan has all kinds of workouts with weights for all levels from beginner to advanced. There’s also Joe Wicks whose HIIT workouts also come in all shapes and sizes. During my Focus on Ü Challenge in February we all got our mats out together- so you guys kept me accountable (and my sister who dragged me out of bed to lift heavy things!) Maybe I should do more with you… https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3cTNdQAfke/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
At the end of the day, we KNOW we need to move more. I think we all can feel the joints creaking more, we’re at our desks longer, in our cars commuting more. Start small. Go for a walk after your lunchtime sambo, wander about the pitch (not IN it though…) while your kids are playing their sport. Every little bit counts.
I’m counting on you ladies to get yourselves up to my next Viva show in Dublin… Speaking of which, I'm running around the city trying to find the best place for us all to gather and have the laughs!
See you soon 🏃🏼♀️- Laura x