You’ll Laugh, You’ll Cry
you might pee your pants…
and you’ll defo learn about Spanish love language
Kyla Cobbler knows a thing or two about finding the funny… and we are so lucky that she has come on tour with us for our last Viva La Vulva tour in Dublin! She immediately put us all at ease and made sure we all worked out our abs with laughter! She also told us some tricks about dating Spanish men….
Here’s Kyla in her own words for our VLV Interview series….
Why did you choose your career?
I think it kinda chose me, to be honest. I never thought I’d be a stand-up comedian. I never thought I’d have the courage to take up that much space and be in front of everyone like that. Although I’ve always loved having fun and making people laugh. But I never thought it would be something I could do for a living or as a career. So I think it definitely chose me. It’s probably the only thing that makes me truly happy, being able to giggle with everyone around me and make everyone laugh and be in that moment. So IT chose me!
What is the most fulfilling part of what you do?
The most fulfilling part of what I get to do is when I’m onstage and it’s a good show, nobody’s on their phones and you’re in the middle of telling a story or telling a joke during your set, and everyone is listening. Everyone is so present with you which nowadays is very rare. It’s a very rare occasion that people are genuinely all just sitting and being there. So those moments in the bigger shows, when we are all actually present together and sharing the human experience really is a very, very powerful and fulfilling moment- like oh wow- people are listening to me! Because we live in a world where everyone is talking but very few are actually saying anything- myself included. So that’s the most fulfilling thing for me.
What is your favourite thing about VLV?
My favourite thing about VLV, I guess it’s different for me because I’m on the panel, but definitely all the gals and the relationships and the friendships that have come from it and blossomed. It’s really nice to see women of all shapes and sizes and ages and backgrounds all come together and realise that we are all going through the same thing, in our different ways. It feels very powerful when I’m doing the Viva La Vulva shows and when I’m in that room. We just have to talk to each other because there’s so much out there, and it’s just about sharing.
What do you think women should know about VLV?
I think women should know that it’s probably much more informative than you’d expect. It’s definitely a laugh and a lot of craic and silliness, which is so important having a bit of comic relief. But it’s also super informative. I’ve learned so much about the perimenopause and the menopause- so much! It’s so interesting and it’s not like someone shoving something down your throat. It’s such a sharing experience. We’re learning a lot from each other and for sure from Laura, the experts and specialists who talk about what they know and what they specialise in. A lot of it is women having a conversation. It kinda feels like being out with the gals.
Was there anything you learned at VLV that you don’t already know?
I learned about the menopause. I learned that child labour- that is doing all the things, working from home and still having to come home and do all the things- to be honest, it sounds a bit of a nightmare. I learned a lot about oestrogen- oestrogen has been a big thing in my life since then. I learned that if you eat two kiwis a day that it’s enough fibre! I learned that all women are slightly mental 😆- that it’s not just me- we are all just a bit mental and that’s okay! Oh and I learned that Vitamin A is a game changer (for the skin)!