Every day there seems to be a memo or meme on what the day should be… National Donut Day! National Son’s Day… I can’t keep up. This week we have a very important day, October 18th is International Menopause Day.
While it may be a single day for the online calendar, it lasts far longer for half of the population.
Perimenopause or menopause?
For women, the perimenopause is the time before our last period; this can last anywhere from 7 to 10 years. This is a time of fluctuation of hormones. You might notice your periods becoming irregular or heavier, you might also notice changes in your mood, hot flushes and sleep interruptions. Women then enter their post-menopausal years- some thirty or more years if we are lucky- when no period has occurred in a whole year. The average age for menopause is 51, meaning your perimenopause could start as early as age 41. Women who undergo ovary removal or chemically induced menopause experience an immediate transition into menopause. Others with premature ovarian insufficiency may face menopause much earlier than usual. Every woman deserves personalised care that addresses her unique health needs during this stage of life.
No matter what age you are now, in menopause or not, we know menopause is part of aging, and aging is a privilege. However, I want to make sure that as I age, I age well, being strong, not skinny, and of relatively sound mind. This is called your health span- as in how many years we age healthfully. How we manage our healthspan (how we age with power and grace) is central to my work on improving and advocating for women’s health- for all ages and for all people because…
Menopause Affects EVERYONE!
Too often menopause has been hidden away- not spoken about. There’s no shame in it. And it’s not just women who are affected. Menopause affects everyone- kids, partners, communities and the workplace. Unfortunately, too many women leave the workplace due to the symptoms of menopause- this needs to change! And it is changing as more and more workplaces recognise that supporting women’s health is key to a healthy bottom line as well!
It’s so great to see this! Menopause can be an opportunity to advance women’s health, so that we don’t suffer in silence. Even though part of me feels like you all must be sick of hearing about menopause by now, when I was out on the streets of Dublin the other day, it seems we still need to keep the conversation going to know our body's symptoms so we can age powerfully! Think how much easier for us all- partners, children, employers- if we knew about the symptoms and what steps we can all take to mitigate and improve healthier aging!
I have devoted a number of podcast episodes to the subject of perimenopause, menopause and post menopause and with experts in the field. These episodes were by far my most downloaded, which proves that women need and want this information.
You can listen to my recordings of The Laura Dowling Experience podcast, with Dr. Deirdre Lundy, Dr. Sarah Callaghan and Dr. Caoimhe Hartley anywhere you get your podcasts. There is also a full video of each episode on my YouTube channel here.
Last weekend I was delighted to be at the Navigating Your Hormones Conference, along with Oonagh O’Hagan, Gerry Hussey, Dr. Mary Ryan and Fiona Brennan- and we all put our different skills together to offer actionable steps for women to feel their best for the rest of their lives!
You Are Not Stuck & You Are Not Alone
Perhaps the answer lies in the word MenoPause. The ‘PAUSE’ can be an opportunity to really focus on yourself, a little every day, to return to what really excites and energises you so that you can feel refreshed and recharged from your 40’s on! Rather than being stuck in the dark ages of medicine, we are seeing real change in female healthcare.
I’m proud of the community I’ve built here and I know, from meeting so many of you, the future for women is bright indeed.
We are not alone. We are many. We are FABULOUS!
Let’s keep going ladies!
To your health,
Laura X